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Research& Transfer

The activities of the Laboratory, launched in the last five years (from 2015) and still in progress, are conducted within "frontier research" paths and involve the entire research team on trajectories related to "enabling technologies" and "processes regenerative ".
We work with all the tools of complex programming and advanced design, with adaptive strategies for the impacts on the built environment due to climate change, in urban, industrial and coastal contexts on settlement structures, and open spaces, capable of configuring autonomous districts and circular; for the design of hybrid buildings, with a high-performance energy-environmental profile towards climate neutrality. Operationally, through experimental development activities carried out within doctoral research, national and European research on competitive calls; in pre-industrial technology transfer activities with SMEs and companies, in partnership with other university laboratories, spin-offs and research centers. Advanced research and experimental development, referable to activities and products, is placed by level of technological maturity (H2020) between TRL5 and TRL7 , validated by evaluation systems, by prototypes and patents and by indexed scientific dissemination.

The team qualified on a national and international level for the results achieved in terms of "advanced regenerative design", on climate transition scenarios, managed through the practice of dynamic simulations and in the management of the data-information-resources relationship, as an applied application between ecological and digital transition, between physical space and digital space, today defined as “phigital space”.
Among the latest activities recognized the invitation to the XVII International Architecture Exhibition - La Biennale di Venezia, Italian Pavilion - Resilient Community (2021), with the exhibition and presentation of the project " S2Home-Human and Digital: Effort in Transition", in the space dedicated to experimental and applied research ( click here ).

Design Avanzato sulla Transizione ecologica e digitale per i cambiamenti climatici

Regenerative Digital Design

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SDGs 2030

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ABITAlab constitutes research infrastructure (IR) , with software for advanced digital design CAD; BIM, Parametric and Tools, access to sector open data, energy-environmental, durability and aging testing, for scale prototyping with 3D printing for additive manufacturing and digital processes for the creation of systems and components, with own endowments c / o the dArTe and with those available in agreement with stable partnership with:  

Trajectories  of research

ERC sector of reference for scientific research Sustainable design (for recycling, for environment, eco-design) (PE8_11); Production technology, process engineering (PE8_9); Environmental and climate change, societal impact and policy (SH2_7); Urban, regional and rural studies (SH2_9); Sustainability sciences, environment and resources (SH2_6) 


National Thematic Area: 5.4.2 Smart and sustainable industry, energy and environment - Technological development trajectories with national priority: 5.5.4 Smart and sustainable industry, energy and environment


Goal 4 - Quality education

Goal 7 - Clean and accessible energy

Goal 9 - Industry, innovation and infrastructure

Goal 11 - Sustainable cities and communities

Goal 12- Responsible consumption and production

Goal 13 - Acting for the climate

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Major research area: 5.5 Climate, energy, sustainable mobility -Intervention area: 5.5.2 Climate change, mitigation and adaptation: Section 4. / Section 8 / Section 9 -Intervention area: 5.5.4 Environmental energy(Section 2)

Research activity

Collaborazioni tecnico-scientifiche in convenzione 

Ricerca e Terza Missione

ABITAlab dArTe – ANCE Reggio Calabria

Durata: 36 mesi (2023 - 26)

ABITAlab dArTe - Coop ROM 1995 - Pensando Meridiano

Durata: 36 mesi (2023 - 26)

ABITAlab dArTe - Settore 10 Città Metropolitana Reggio Calabria

Durata: 9 mesi (2022- 23)

ABITAlab dArTe - PMopenlab srls - Pensando Meridiano

Durata: 36 mesi (2022- 25)

ABITAlab dArTe - Settore 5 Città Metropolitana Reggio Calabria

Durata: 36 mesi (2021- 24)

Ricerca e Trasferimento Tecnologico

ABITAlab dArTe – ISAISEI srl

Durata: 36 mesi (2023 - 26)

ABITAlab dArTe – ACS Engineering International

Durata: 36 mesi (2023 - 26)


Durata: 36 mesi (2023 - 26)


Durata: 36 mesi (2023 - 26)

ABITAlab dArTe – NATURE CITY LAB Università della Basilicata

Durata: 36 mesi (2023 - 26)

ABITAlab dArTe - R.ED.EL. srl

Durata: 24 mesi (2022 - 24)

Experimental Research

Sezione Design

  • Attività in corso

    • Emerging Technologies vs Atmosphere and AI Visions - [clicca qui]

    • Sperimentazioni progettuali di modelli climatici urbani per il climate design - [clicca qui]

Sezione Prototyping






Title: Advanced Impact Design and Enabling Technologies for the design and activation of "energy communities" with models, devices and prototypes. Living Lab in the internal areas of the Grecanica Area

References: PON "Research and Innovation" 2014-2020, Axis IV "Education and research for recovery" Action IV.6 - "Research contracts on Green issues"  

Period:  January 01, 2022 - ongoing

Scientific manager:  Prof. Consuelo Nava

Technology transfer in R&D :  Redel srl

Researcher :  RTdA Arch. PhD Giuseppe Mangano


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Title: Advanced Impact Design and Enabling Technologies for the design and activation of "energy communities" with models, devices and prototypes. Living Lab in the internal areas of the Grecanica Area

References: PON "Research and Innovation" 2014-2020, Axis IV "Education and research for recovery" Action IV.6 - "Research contracts on Green issues"  

Period:  January 01, 2022 - ongoing

Scientific manager:  Prof. Consuelo Nava

Technology transfer in R&D :  Redel srl

Researcher :  RTdA Arch. PhD Giuseppe Mangano

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Title: Advanced Impact Design and Enabling Technologies for the design and activation of "energy communities" with models, devices and prototypes. Living Lab in the internal areas of the Grecanica Area

References: PON "Research and Innovation" 2014-2020, Axis IV "Education and research for recovery" Action IV.6 - "Research contracts on Green issues"  

Period:  January 01, 2022 - ongoing

Scientific manager:  Prof. Consuelo Nava

Technology transfer in R&D :  Redel srl

Researcher :  RTdA Arch. PhD Giuseppe Mangano


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Title: Advanced Impact Design and Enabling Technologies for the design and activation of "energy communities" with models, devices and prototypes. Living Lab in the internal areas of the Grecanica Area

References: PON "Research and Innovation" 2014-2020, Axis IV "Education and research for recovery" Action IV.6 - "Research contracts on Green issues"  

Period:  January 01, 2022 - ongoing

Scientific manager:  Prof. Consuelo Nava

Technology transfer in R&D :  Redel srl

Researcher :  RTdA Arch. PhD Giuseppe Mangano


Title: Advanced Impact Design and Enabling Technologies for the design and activation of "energy communities" with models, devices and prototypes. Living Lab in the internal areas of the Grecanica Area

References: PON "Research and Innovation" 2014-2020, Axis IV "Education and research for recovery" Action IV.6 - "Research contracts on Green issues"  

Period:  January 01, 2022 - ongoing

Scientific manager:  Prof. Consuelo Nava

Technology transfer in R&D :  Redel srl

Researcher :  RTdA Arch. PhD Giuseppe Mangano

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Summary sheet


Title: URGES_Green Urban Shapes. Neighborhood quality, efficiency and well-being

References: POR FESR 2014-2020 BASILICATA REGION - LINE A - axis 4  - Building renovation / Energy efficiency (green and digital)

Period: November 17, 2020 - ongoing

Team: University of Basilicata - Department of European Mediterranean Cultures (DiCEM) with Lucanian Agency for Development and Innovation in Agriculture (ALSIA), Universidad de Sevilla, Departamento de Projectos Arquitectonicos, University of Ljubljana_ Faculty of Architecture, University of Chieti Pescara - Department of Architecture, University of Mediterranean Studies of Reggio Calabria - Department of Architecture and Territory,  ABITAlab Team:  Prof.ssa C. Nava (Scientific manager for the Reggio Calabria office), components: Arch. G. Mangano (RTdA), Arch. Ing. S.Cascone (RTdA), PMopenlab srls




Summary sheet

Summary sheet

Title: RC Metro Citizens in Transition - Agenda2030 for the Metropolitan City of Reggio Calabria

References: Public Notice addressed to Metropolitan Cities for the presentation of Expressions of Interest for activities referred to in art. 34 of the Legislative Decree n. 152/2006 and SSMMII on the implementation of the National Sustainable Development Strategy, "Collaboration aimed at defining Metropolitan Agendas for Sustainable Development, capable of making a contribution to the achievement of the objectives of the Regional Strategies for Sustainable Development" - (strategic area Green / Digital and quality training)

Period: February 19, 2020 - ongoing

Team:  MiTe-Ministry of Ecological Transition, Sustainable Development Department, Metropolitan City of Reggio Calabria with the Manager of Sector 5-Professional Training (Responsible for the proposal), Dr. Maria Lea Quattrone (Technical manager of the proposal), with scientific partner ABITAlab dArTe,  Prof.ssa C. Nava (Scientific manager), Arch. RTdA G. Mangano (Technical manager)


Title: “Mare Monster. The land between the seas ". The redesign of the Tyrrhenian and Ionian Calabrian lands after “storm surges (climatic changes and modification of the coastlines - settlement and figurative dynamics).  

References:  National Academy of Lincei, Interdisciplinary Linceo Center

International Scientific Cluster, "MedWays. Le vie del Mediterraneo" project (MW),  scientific manager Prof. M. Ricci - UniTN (

Activities:  Dissemination of research [ click here ]

Period: nov. 2019 - oct. 2022

Team:  Prof. Consuelo Nava (scientific resp., UNIRC), Prof. Irene Curulli (TU / e Eindhoven), collaborator Phd G. Mangano; A.Leuzzo, D. Lucanto; ARPalermiti scholarship holder

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Summary sheet

Title: S2-Home_Offshore and offsite double security housing module

References: Project-research and drafting and election INDUSTRIAL VALIDATION with TRL6 ASSIGNMENT c / o ENGINEERING platform> double-safety-seismic-and-environmental /

PATENT: RE_uP-Resilient Envelop_uP n. 102021000008345 [ click here ]

Period: February 2017 - July 2019 (I and II phase) - 23 May / 13 June 2021 (project on display at the 17th International Architecture Exhibition at the Venice Biennale, Italian Pavilion "Resilient Communities", curated by A. Melis)

Team: De Masi Industrie Meccaniche (G.Tauro), dArTe Mediterranean University of Reggio Calabria, University of Trento, ENEA, PMopenlab srls (third party)




Summary sheet

Title: Knowledge vs Climate Change: communities in transition for the resilience of the southern suburbs of Reggio Calabria  

References: Winning project of the "No Planet B-B-Circular, Fight Climate Change" call by the punto.sud Foundation, Foundation with the South, EU co-funded CSO-LA / 2017 / 388-137

Period:  15 months (12 + 3 extension) - October 2019 / December 2020

Team:  Associazione Pensando Meridiano (leader), ABITAlab dArTe with scientific manager Prof.ssa C.Nava and Technical Manager of the project Arch. PhD G.Mangano, Reboot Association



Summary sheet

Title: PVC UPCYCLING - Circular Economy and Zero Waste with the "upcycling" of waste from the management processes of electrical systems. From "de-manufacturing" with the recovery and recycling of PVC from the electrical cables of energy plants to "re-manufacturing"

References: POR Calabria FESR 2014-2020, Axis I Innovation and Research Action 1.2.2,  Direct funds _ EU Competitive Research - funded

Period:  November 17, 2017 - November 17, 2019

Team:  proponent: R.Ed.EL, partners: Unical and Enea Trisaia - Scientific manager and project coordinator: Prof. C.Nava - Assistance of the startup PMopenlab for communication, dissemination and prototyping activities

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